Mar 13, 2008

Adobe face to face interviews

1. n/2 repeated numbers from n numbers, all the other numbers are distinct . Find tht no
2. 3 containers .. take 1 ball frm 2 containers and place in the 3rd. repeat these steps such that finally all the balls are in 1 container (Hint: multiple of 3)
3. implement cron job in java
4. implement MRU cache data structure (Hint: LinkedHashSet)
5. implement HashSet (rehashing ...improvements)
6. JVM ... how does class data and methods are stored
7. find a circle in a linked list ... i gave the answer tht we can take 2 pointers ... move 1 ptr by 1 dist and the other by 2 dist .. why not move the other ptr by 3 dist
8. socket programming -- .. bind, connect, listen, accept, SELECT - when to use it ...
9. composition and inhertitance
8. n/w address translation table --- implement it
9. general TCP questions

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