1. Write an algo to print all paths in a binary tree.
2. Write an algo to determine if 2 rectangles intersect.
3. If an identifier is defined as follows
letter followed any number of letters and digits then write its regular expression.
4. x=b, z=1;k=n; // n is constant
if(k is odd) z=z*x;
what is z at the end in terms of b and n?
5. What is synchronized statement, synchronized function, transient, wait(), notify(), notifyAll();
6. String s = "Hello";
String t = s.append(" Dolly");
Which string do s and t point to ?
7. What is advantage of entity beans over session beans?
8. What are J2EE components?
9. What is multi-tier architecture ? In which layer does browser fits in ?
1 year ago
You are given an undirected graph. Each node in the graph is also
assigned a type (say A, B, C, D). There are n nodes in the graph and
there are m possible types that can be associated with each node. You
need to find all the walks from a given source node (say N1) to a
given destination node (sat D1) such that the walk contains a node of
type A. What datastructures would you use? Write the algorithm?
a good link
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